Before any guidance program, a limited number of participants is selected in consultation with Social Services. The group size is limited deliberately (up to 12 participants per group_ in order to give sufficient individual guidance.
Each program consists of 8 sessions of three hours, with additional homework for the participants. In the sessions, Double Vision uses, besides proven training methods and techniques, also self-developed materials and methods. A guest speaker is definitely not lacking in this program, which allows participants a constantly changing view on the highest step of the participation ladder. The guest speakers often come from higher positions in business and government.In the sessions, attention is given to self awareness, group awareness, presenting, communicating and applying for jobs. This gives the participants a number of handles with which they can continue to work independently and proactively on their own development after the course.
After completing the program, the individual participants are assessed on their progress, development and participation to the group process. After passing, the participants are given a certificate.
Social services assess again the individual participation steps, which gives an objective insight if the results of the program.