• To empower women, men and young people on welfare.
  • Providing self-assessment through group workhops and personal guidance provided by professional volunteers

  • To bring (voluntary) work closer and more accessible for women, men and young people on welfare
  • The above in good consultation and cooperation with local government and welfare organizations that are active in the region

The government expects from people an increasing self-sufficiency and a contribution to society. Not everybody is capable to contribute out of him-/herself. Double Vision guides them in their personal growth to participation.

For people on welfare a participation ladder is used to indicate their possibility to participate in society. This participation ladder goes from step 0 (isolated) to step 6 (in paid employment). Especially in the lower steps it has been found that people eligible for welfare have problems in finding the road to paid employment. One of the causes for this is a lack of self-awarenessand the lack of a number of basic social skills.

Double Vision supports these people in their personal development and offers them with guidance programs sufficient mean to take control over their lives in their own hands and climb at least one step on the participation ladder.

Region in which active: The Hague


Empowerment leert dat je zelf verantwoordelijk bent voor alles wat je uitvoert en beleeft.
Je leven is een film en jij
zit in de regisseursstoel, of dingen nu goed gaan of slecht.